What does truth really mean?

These days, the word truth is thrown around a lot.  We certainly hear it in the news on a daily basis, and in my time working as a mentor of at-risk women, I often heard things like: my truth, her truth, what is the truth, tell the truth, speak the truth, HE is the truth, and like phrases.  When I Google words that are synonymous with TRUTH, I am drawn to words like genuineness, correctness, rightness, honesty, and most especially, authenticity.

When I first named the blog, I called it Living in Truth AGAIN, because it is my hope that The Lita Project® will offer our employees the opportunity to once again, live an authentic life, a life that can be genuine, correct, right and honest.  A life of TRUTH for themselves and for all those within their world.  But my friend, Terry, suggested the word ALWAYS as an alternative.  I thought about that for weeks.  The more I thought about it, the more right it felt.  No matter who we are, we all struggle to live a life in TRUTH.  We all stumble in our effort to be our authentic self, a good person of honor, strength, courage and conviction.  Every day we work to fight the good fight.  So yes, it’s not about Living in Truth AGAIN; it’s about Living in Truth ALWAYS.

What is MY truth?

In future postings, you will learn a bit more about me, my family and the reason I felt called to start The Lita Project®.  It took a mighty number of years for me to come to a place of TRUTH about myself and all the things I did – and the things that were done to me – that brought me to this place in time.

It is important to note before we move forward, that despite the actions of others, especially my family members, I love them completely and fiercely.  My parents are deceased now.  I miss them terribly but I have felt them ever so strongly guiding me, pushing me, helping me, supporting me, believing in me … believing in The Lita Project® – believing in the people it will serve, believing in its mission, believing in the HOPE it will bring, knowing that it is right and genuine and correct and honest, and most of all, authentic.   Believing that it will help us work towards a life where we are living in truth always.

Praying you blessings for the journey,
Yvonne (aka, Lita)


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